Facing the Fear

I’m not wasting any more time wondering what will happen if things succeed and then I crash and burn, otherwise nothing will ever happen.

A few weeks back I left a voicemail for the director of another non-profit that deals with the homeless and I never heard back. So today I followed up with an email that contained some additional information in hopes to get her attention.

Then I sent a brief invite to the people of a well-off community near me, through their town magazine. I have no idea if it will be published or not, but if I didn’t send it, it would definitely not be published.

I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about overcoming this noise in my head.

Pushing forward,


4 thoughts on “Facing the Fear

  1. One decision I have made this year is to just do it! I started a blog a few years ago and stopped! Fear of failure stopped me. I toyed with the notion of blogging again for a few years, but fear stopped me. I started a venture with someone, because I needed to have someone else hold my hands- out of fear! Finally, I decided to silence the noise and just do it. Take every thought captive. As a result, I’ve met people who encourage me and whom I can encourage. You will never succeed by doing nothing. Rejection is hard! But I say just do it. They say no, move on! If it is God’s plan and you feel led to do it, let him ‘worry’ about the no’s. I’m quite impressed with your venture. If it be His will- May God bless it!

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  2. Brilliant!! Keep at it. The more you keep at it, the greater the opportunity a door will open for you. And you’re right, ‘what if’s’ are pointless, but action brings results. I have every faith in your ability, and we will all celebrate your ultimate victory 🙂

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